Mo, 20. Apr 2020
Mind over Matter presents NYTT LAND
In Folge der vollständigen Absage der Veranstaltung kann/können die Karte(n), zur Refundierung auf jenem Weg retourniert werden, auf dem sie bezogen wurde(n).
“Shadow spirits dance beneath the moon, it’s glowing light flickers through the boughs of deep forests. The breath of spirits whispers through the leaves, tales as ancient as the hills, long forgotten. Nytt Land channels powerful elemental voices from the past with a primitive and ethereal exploration of heritage from the beautifully austere Siberian steppe, inspired heavily by Old Norse Edda.”
In January 2020, NYTT LAND will open new chapter – album “CVLT” to take you on a mystic travel – path of Shamans between the cold landscapes of the Siberia, Mongolian steppes, and the Scandinavian fjords.
The main core of the magical sound of the NYTT LAND is Natasha Pakhalenko’s unique natural vocals, in which clean folklore techniques of Siberia and Saami and low Tuva throat singing easily alternate.
„At the end of winter 2020 we will present you our new big creation, the album „CULT“ on which we worked 2 years. Ritual songs of ancient Siberia and Scandinavia in an atmospheric mix of traditional throat singing, authentic musical instruments and electronic music. A new Live Ritual will begin in February 2020″