Fr, 2. Dez 2011


Dopes To Infinity“—-performed live in it’s entirety!!!


Lassen wir den Meister selbst zu Wort kommen:


„Hey friends! I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your support over the last twenty years. Speaking for myself and all the members of Monster Magnet I’d like you to know how much we enjoy performing our music live and I’m sure you would agree with me when I say that live shows are the ultimate bond between artists and fans.

It’s in that spirit that I’m excited to tell you of our next live project: performing the album „Dopes To Infinity“ live in it’s entirety.

When I wrote „Dopes“ in 1995 I envisioned a hard-rock, tripped-out journey exploring the many sounds and styles of the „great psychedelic era of 1968-1974“. I carefully sequenced the album to take the listener on a „roller-coaster ride“ of engaging words and music. I sang songs of love, hate, lust, joy and desperation

in a style I hoped would fire the listener’s imagination, bringing the everyday emotions that we all share to mythical heights. Thankfully, the fans and critics told me I succeeded.

Now I’d like to bring that experience to the stage. „Dopes To Infinity“: Live! In it’s entirety. A complete trip from beginning to end.

I can’t wait!“

–Dave Wyndorf. 5/27/11

  • Einlass 19:00
  • Beginn 20:00
  • Tickets
Arena Wien
Baumgasse 80, 1030 Wien
Map anzeigen
  • Monster Magnet Headliner
  • Black Spiders Support


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