Mi, 7. Aug 2024

Mind over Matter presents Comeback Kid / Emmure

Complacency kills creativity, and nobody seems to know that better than COMEBACK KID.

»Outsider«, the long-running hardcore outfit’s latest LP, showcases that in spades. Capturing the all-out intensity of the band’s riotous live shows, it’s as urgent and unrelenting as anything they’ve done in the past. And yet while many of their peers consider sonic evolution an enemy of their scene, COMEBACK KID has built a career on progression and evolution, continually expanding their now-signature sound while never compromising its integrity. “We’re a hardcore band, but we don’t feel like we belong to any particular sect of that,” states frontman Andrew Neufeld, speaking on behalf of bandmates Jeremy Hiebert (guitar), Stu Ross (guitar), Ron Friesen (bass), and Loren Legare (drums). “We don’t want to be limited in any sense, and prefer to work on our own terms.” Indeed, over the course of their career, they’ve covered a lot of territory – both musically and literally.

  • Einlass 19:00
  • Beginn 20:00
  • Tickets
Flex Halle
Augartenbrücke 1, 1010 Wien
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  • Emmure 21:00
  • Comeback Kid 20:00


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